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10 Moving into a New Home Tips You Need to Know

Written by Preferred Capital | Jun 8, 2016 8:31:49 PM

1. Change your address

Before moving day, or shortly thereafter, make sure you update your address at the post office, the BMV, and at all of the other essential places like your bank and other financial institutions.

2. Set utilities up

This is one of the first things you should do so you’re able to shower and utilize your appliances when you move in. Just call the company in charge of your water, electricity, and sewer—which may be multiple companies—and ask to take over as the new owner.

3. Deep clean

You’ll never have an easier time cleaning than right now, when your new house is empty. Take the time to steam clean the carpets, wipe down walls, and dust your new place.

4. Paint

Another thing that’s easiest to do when you don’t have your items unpacked or your furniture in place is painting. It can be time consuming, so you may want to ask friends or family to help you paint the walls or trim before you set everything up.

5. Unpack essentials

Moving and unpacking is exhausting. Make sure you unpack your essentials first, like bedding and bathroom supplies, so you can still get a few decent hours of sleep when it’s time.

6. Acquaint yourself with the main circuit breaker and water shut off

You don’t want to wait until you’re in an emergency situation to have to find these. Know where they are in advance. Better yet, make sure you know how to work them.

7. Check the plumbing

Keep an eye on your faucets, running toilets, and check your water heater for signs of a potential leak. Your home inspector should have done this, but it’s always good to double check.

8. Check the smoke detectors

Once again, your home inspection should have covered it, but just to be sure, change out the batteries. Doing so will make everyone feel more secure in their home.

9. Change your locks

For safety reasons, make sure you change the locks on all of your exterior doors. It’s definitely not required, but do you really want to wonder if someone out there has a matching key to your lock?

10. Send out contact info and have fun

Last but not least, as you get settled in, send out your contact info to your family and friends. You’ll need a break, so don’t forget to take the time to relax in the new space!

Bonus, put up window coverings

Unpacking is done over time and window coverings will hide the stuff you’re unpacking from people peeking inside their new neighbor’s home. If you’re moving into a home where the owner’s before you took their window treatments with them, and you want a temporary fix before you have your new treatments installed, pin a bed sheet or blankets over the windows.

What other moving tips do you have?